RoxenCMS 17Web Developer ManualEmit Tags


<emit ac-identities>
<emit ac-identity-data>
<emit ac-identity-extras>
<emit ac-permissions>
<emit ac-zones>
<emit atlas>
<emit authors>
<emit captcha>
<emit category>
<emit category-document>
<emit cimg>
<emit dir>
<emit dir>(SB)
<emit event>
<emit event-dates>
<emit event-locations>
<emit exec>
<emit fonts>
<emit imgs>
<emit js-dynamic-popup>
<emit js-hide-popup>
<emit languages>
<emit ldap>
<emit path>
<emit poll>
<emit sb-dir>
<emit sb-file-languages>
<emit sb-languages>
<emit sb-log>
<emit sb-referring-pages>
<emit sb-search>
<emit sb-stationeries>
<emit sb-transport-dirs>
<emit sb-wizard>
<emit search-database-profiles>
<emit scopes>
<emit shortlinks>
<emit site-news>
<emit sources>
<emit spellcheck>
<emit sql>
<emit timerange>
<emit values>
<emit workflow>
<emit ws-dir>
<emit xml-db>

<emit source="shortlinks"></emit>

Provided by module: CMS: Shortcut Links

Emit all shortlinks for a given page or a specific shortlink.


This field is also available via the rxml:metadata() function in XSL templates.



Emit the shortlink's for a given page path.


Emit info for a given shortlink.


Only useful when no other attributes are given. This will group all shortlinks's for the same path.

<!-- Emit all shortlinks's --> <emit source='shortlinks'> <b>&_.shortlink;</b> will redirect to <b>&_.path;</b><br/> </emit> <!-- Emit all shortlinks grouped by path --> <dl> <emit source='shortlinks' unique-paths=''> <dt><b>&_.path;</b></dt> <emit source='values' variable='_.shortlinks'> <dd>&_.value;</dd> </emit> </emit> </dl> <!-- Emit the shortlinks for the current page --> <emit source='shortlinks' path='&page.path;'> <span>&_.shortlinks;</span> <delimiter>, </delimiter> </emit>

&_.page_uuid; (provided by CMS: Shortcut Links)

The UUID of the page the shortlinks are assigned to

&_.path; (provided by CMS: Shortcut Links)

The path the shortlink will redirect to

&_.shortlink; (provided by CMS: Shortcut Links)

The shortlink

&_.shortlinks; (provided by CMS: Shortcut Links)

This is only available when the unique-paths attribute is given. In this case this is an array of shortlinks assigned to the &_.path;.