RoxenCMS 17Web Developer ManualEmit Tags


<emit ac-identities>
<emit ac-identity-data>
<emit ac-identity-extras>
<emit ac-permissions>
<emit ac-zones>
<emit atlas>
<emit authors>
<emit captcha>
<emit category>
<emit category-document>
<emit cimg>
<emit dir>
<emit dir>(SB)
<emit event>
<emit event-dates>
<emit event-locations>
<emit exec>
<emit fonts>
<emit imgs>
<emit js-dynamic-popup>
<emit js-hide-popup>
<emit languages>
<emit ldap>
<emit path>
<emit poll>
<emit sb-dir>
<emit sb-file-languages>
<emit sb-languages>
<emit sb-log>
<emit sb-referring-pages>
<emit sb-search>
<emit sb-stationeries>
<emit sb-transport-dirs>
<emit sb-wizard>
<emit search-database-profiles>
<emit scopes>
<emit shortlinks>
<emit site-news>
<emit sources>
<emit spellcheck>
<emit sql>
<emit timerange>
<emit values>
<emit workflow>
<emit ws-dir>
<emit xml-db>

<emit source="js-hide-popup"></emit>

Provided by module: JavaScript Support: Tags

Creates a link event to hide popups. This plugin can be used in hierarchical menues on those links that are not popups, i.e. direct links on the same level as other links that leads to a popup.

<js-include file='CrossPlatform.js'/> <js-include file='Popup.js'/> <style><js-insert name='style'/></style> <js-insert name='div'/> <emit source='js-hide-popup'> <a href='index.xml' ::='&_.args;'>Hide</a> </emit><br /> <js-popup label='Show'> ... </js-popup>

&_.args; (provided by JavaScript Support: Tags)

The javascript event arguments.