RoxenCMS 17FAQMain


Managing multiple sites in one SiteBuilder



Which actions would invalidate the whole sites Persistant Disk Cache?

  • Access Control Change

    When an ac-change is made that affects the whole site, e.g. adding a group, the whole site is added to the persistent cache crawler queue. This means that the backend server will be busy crawling the site.

    The ac-change will be replicated to the frontends immediately when the change is made and thus before the crawling is finished. All caches are preserved on the frontends until the prefetch is done. This means that no load change should be observed on the frontends until the prefetch data arrives.

    When the prefetch crawler transaction arrives to the frontends they will be quite busy unpacking and installing the new cache data.

    If the crawling takes more time than 30 min the transaction will be closed and replicated to the frontends. A new transaction will be created and the crawling will continue for another 30 min. This will be repeated until the maximum crawl time is reached.

    If this happens it is possible that a template is replicated before its corresponding prefetch cache data. All files that depends on this template will be invalidated and there cache emptied. Those files will be generated on demand and added to the cache.

  • Template Change

    A change of a xslt-file that is imported by all templates in the site

  • Content Change

    A change in content or metadata for a file that appears on all pages. One example might be title of the company.