RoxenCMS 17FAQMain


Managing multiple sites in one SiteBuilder



How do I rotate access logs automatically?

In the Administration Interface, select the site you want to rotate the logs for. Under the Logging tab is a input field with the title Log file. There you can add a substitution string for rotating the logs.

To rotate every month you add %y-%m so that the input field will read:


It will create files under the $LOGDIR/sitename/ with names like Log-2003-06, Log-2003-07 etc.

How do I move a SiteBuilder site to another server?

  1. If you don't plan to copy the MySQL databases (see below), you will need to dump the AC database first. Do this by using the Create Dump button in the Access Control Main module.

  2. Copy the .sb (SiteBuilder Storage) directory to the new site location.

  3. Copy the configuration and the MySQL database files. These are by default located in the roxen/configuration and roxen/configuration/_mysql directories respectively. Search for the name of your site (the names of the MySQL files are all lower-case).

  4. Modules that needs to be filled with content from the newly copied repository:

    • Category module: Need to be reindexed to populate the site content in the category database.

    • Site Keyword: Need to be reindexed for the same reason as the category module

    • Site News: Need to be reindexed.

    • Search Engine do a reindex in the Content Editor > Search > Indexer tab.

I've moved a SiteBuilder site and now AC is empty. How do I fix it?

Since Roxen 2.2, the AC database is maintained in a MySQL database instead of a plain file. Either copy the proper MySQL files, or more easily: dump AC to a file using the "Create Dump" button in the Access Control Main module, copy the resulting acdb file from its .sb directory to the new .sb directory and use the Load Dump button in the new AC module.

How do I force the replication system to read a dump?

Make sure you have a recent dump file by creating a dump file as usual in the Configuration / Replication Action wizard on the backend server.

Shut down the Acceleration Server, delete the file state2.rep in the .sb directory and start the server. The replication system will purge the entire site and start installing the newest dump available.

Note, generating a site from a dump file is an extensive operation and with a large repository it might take several hours, therefore it is necessary to take the server offline during the operation. It is also advisable to operate one server at the time.

The time it takes to read the dump depends much on the file system used because several temporary files will be created in the same directory. Some popular file systems have performance problems in those situations.

How do I reset the replication system?

Shut down the Backend Server and delete the .rep directory. Start the server and it will create the directory automatically. Create a dump file as usual in the Configuration / Replication Action wizard.

Shut down the Acceleration Servers and delete each .sb directory respectively. Start the servers and they will create the directory automatically using the new dump created on the Backend Server.

I got lots of replication files on the frontends. How do I remove them?

On the Backend Server, the system removes the files in the .rep automatically. Deleting them manually is not needed.

On the Acceleration Servers, in case you are using separate .rep directories, the files should be synchronised with the Backend Server. Files which are not present in the Backend Server should subsequently be deleted by your replication script (for exampel using the --delete flag for rsync).

Why has the system stopped replicating?

There is an error somewhere. It can be transfer problems, file permission problems, disk full or something else. Please check the debug files on the Backend and Acceleration Servers.

Why does roxen search fail to connect and index documents?

The crawler can not reach the documents to index. Please check that Primary Server URL in Roxen Administrator Interface contains the correct server name and port. Make sure the server is configured properly the dns.

How do I add start script arguments to a roxen running as a service on Windows?

Edit the file local/environment.ini and add the arguments to the variable default. Example:
default= -DMODULE_DEBUG -DDEBUG --offline