RoxenCMS 5.4Web Developer ManualXSLT Tags




Provided by module: CMS: XSLTransform

Top-level element which sets parameters related to the creation of the output document.

See also the XSLT specification.


This implementation treats all <xsl:output> attributes as Attribute Value Templates.


method="{xml, html, text}"

Specifies output mode. Default is xml unless the outermost container in the output document is <html> (possibly with some whitespace text preceding it) in which case it's html.


Specifies the version of the output mode. Default is 1.0 for XML and 4.0 for HTML.

encoding="{iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16}"

Specifies the character encoding. In Roxen CMS the chosen encoding will be propagated to subsequent parsers/layers (e.g. the RXML parser and the HTTP module) where additional encodings may occur depending on other data inserted in the page. Therefore a request for iso-8859-1 is not guaranteed to deliver a page in that encoding; using utf-8 or utf-16 should however normally be compatible with any other data merged later.

Because of the subsequent passes the encoding will be excluded from any <?xml?> header output during the XSLT pass. It's advisable to use <maketag> in RXML instead.

omit-xml-declaration="{yes, no}"

Specifies whether an XML declaration should be output.

standalone="{yes, no}"

Specifies whether a standalone attribute should be included in the XML declaration, and if so what its value should be.


Specifies the PUBLIC parameter in the <!DOCTYPE> identifier.


Specifies the SYSTEM parameter in the <!DOCTYPE> identifier.


Specifies a whitespace-separated list of element names. Text node children of these elements will be output as <![CDATA[...]]> sections.

indent="{yes, no}"

Specifies whether indenting may be performed by the XSLT engine.


Specifies the media type (i.e. MIME content type) for the output document. If not set a default is computed based on the current output mode.