RoxenCMS 5.4Web Developer ManualIf Tags


<if ac-identity-exists>
<if ac-verify-password>
<if accept>
<if access-path>
<if client>
<if clientvar>
<if config>
<if cookie>
<if date>
<if defined>
<if domain>
<if exists>
<if expr>
<if false>
<if group>
<if internal-exists>
<if ip>
<if kerberos-auth>
<if language>
<if match>
<if Match>
<if module>
<if poll-voted>
<if ppoint>
<if pragma>
<if prestate>
<if referrer>
<if sb-user-op>
<if scope>
<if sizeof>
<if supports>
<if time>
<if true>
<if type-from-data>
<if type-from-filename>
<if user>
<if variable>
<if Variable>
<if variable-exists>

<if match></if>

Provided by module: Tags: RXML tags

Evaluates patterns. More information can be found in the If tags tutorial. Match is an Eval plugin.



Choose what pattern to test. The pattern could be any expression.

Note! The pattern content is treated as strings. Compare how <if variable> tag works.

<set variable='var.ten' value='10' /> <if match='&var.ten; is 10'>true</if> <else>false</else>