RoxenCMS 5.4Web Developer ManualIf Tags


<if ac-identity-exists>
<if ac-verify-password>
<if accept>
<if access-path>
<if client>
<if clientvar>
<if config>
<if cookie>
<if date>
<if defined>
<if domain>
<if exists>
<if expr>
<if false>
<if group>
<if internal-exists>
<if ip>
<if kerberos-auth>
<if language>
<if match>
<if Match>
<if module>
<if poll-voted>
<if ppoint>
<if pragma>
<if prestate>
<if referrer>
<if sb-user-op>
<if scope>
<if sizeof>
<if supports>
<if time>
<if true>
<if type-from-data>
<if type-from-filename>
<if user>
<if variable>
<if Variable>
<if variable-exists>

<if language></if>

Provided by module: Tags: RXML tags

Does the client prefer one of the languages listed, as specified by the Accept-Language header? This is a Match plugin.



Choose what language to test.