RoxenCMS 17Web Developer ManualRXML Scopes & Entities


AC Scope
Client Scope
Cookie Scope
Form Scope
Header Scope
Page Scope
Request-Header Scope
Roxen Scope
User Scope
Var Scope


This scope contains information specific to the client/browser that is accessing the page. All support variables defined in the support file is added to this scope.

&client.Fullname; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The full user agent string, i.e. name of the client and additional info like; operating system, type of computer, etc. An example output: "Mozilla/4.7 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.7 i86pc)".

&client.accept-language; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The client prefers to have the page contents presented in this language, according to the accept-language header. An example output: "en".

&client.accept-languages; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The client prefers to have the page contents presented in these languages, according to the accept-language header.

If used in an array context, an array of language codes are returned. Otherwise they are returned as a comma-separated string, e.g. "en, sv".

&client.authenticated; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

Returns the name of the user logged on to the site, i.e. the login name, if any exists.

&client.fullname; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The full user agent string, i.e. name of the client and additional info like; operating system, type of computer, etc. Unlike &client.fullname; this value is lowercased. An example output: "mozilla/4.7 [en] (x11; i; sunos 5.7 i86pc)".

&client.height; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The presentation area height in pixels. For WAP-phones.

&; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The host name of the client, if possible to resolve. An example output: "".

&client.ip; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The client is located on this IP-address. An example output: "".

&client.javascript; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

Returns the highest version of javascript supported.

&client.language; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The client's most preferred language. Usually the same value as &client.accept-language;, but is possibly altered by a customization module like the Preferred language analyzer. It is recommended that this entity is used over the &client.accept-language; when selecting languages. An example output: "en".

&client.languages; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

An ordered list of the client's most preferred languages. Usually the same value as &client.accept-language;, but is possibly altered by a customization module like the Preferred language analyzer, or reorganized according to quality identifiers according to the HTTP specification.

Like &client.accept-language;, this returns an array of language codes in an array context, and a comma-separated string otherwise.

&; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The name of the client, i.e. the sent user agent string up until the first space character. An example output: "Mozilla/4.7".

&client.password; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

Returns the password the user used when he/she tried to log on the site.

&client.referrer; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

Prints the URL of the page on which the user followed a link that brought her to this page. The information comes from the referrer header sent by the browser. An example output: "".

&client.robot; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

Returns the name of the webrobot. Useful if the robot requesting pages is to be served other contents than most visitors. Use &client.robot; together with <if>.

Possible webrobots are: ms-url-control, architex, backrub, checkbot, fast, freecrawl, passagen, gcreep, getright, googlebot, harvest, alexa, infoseek, intraseek, lycos, webinfo, roxen, altavista, scout, slurp, url-minder, webcrawler, wget, xenu and yahoo.

&client.session; (provided by Tags: Session tag module)

Contains a session key for the user or nothing. The session key is taken from the RoxenUserID cookie.

RoxenUserID cookie is set through the "Set unique browser id cookies" option in the http protocol module (located under the server ports tab) or by using the <force-session-id> tag.

If configured to use prestate (which is deprecated) its value can be retrieved from:

  • Prestate that begins with "RoxenUserID=" if there is no RoxenUserID cookie.

  • If both the cookie and such a prestate exists the client.session variable will be empty. This happens when <force-session-id> would generate a redirect, and can be used to skip the rest of the page (see the example for that tag).

Note that the Session tag module must be loaded for this entity to exist.

&; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

Generates a trademark sign in a way that the client can render. Possible outcomes are "&trade;", "<sup>TM</sup>", and "&gt;TM&lt;".

&client.user; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

Returns the name the user used when he/she tried to log on the site, i.e. the login name, if any exists.

&client.width; (provided by Tags: RXML tags)

The presentation area width in pixels. For WAP-phones.