RoxenCMS 5.4Web Developer ManualProtocol Tags




Provided by module: Tags: RXML tags

Redirects the user to another page by sending a HTTP redirect header to the client. If the redirect is local, i.e. within the server, all prestates are preserved. E.g. "/index.html" and "index.html" preserves the prestates, while "" does not.



The location to where the client should be sent.


The type of redirect, i.e. the http status code. This can be one of the strings "permanent" (301), "found" (302), "see-other" (303), or "temporary" (307). It can also be an integer code. The default is 302.


The prestate or prestates that should be added, in a comma-separated list.


The prestate or prestates that should be dropped, in a comma-separated list.


Removes all prestates from the redirect target.


Sends a text string to the browser, that hints from where and why the page was redirected. Not all browsers will show this string. Only special clients like Telnet uses it.

Arguments prefixed with "add" or "drop" are treated as prestate toggles, which are added or removed, respectively, from the current set of prestates in the URL in the redirect header (see also <apre>). Note that this only works when the to=... URL is absolute, i.e. begins with a "/", otherwise these state toggles have no effect.