RoxenCMS 5.4Web Developer ManualEmit Tags


<emit ac-identities>
<emit ac-identity-data>
<emit ac-identity-extras>
<emit ac-permissions>
<emit ac-zones>
<emit atlas>
<emit authors>
<emit captcha>
<emit category>
<emit category-document>
<emit cimg>
<emit dir>
<emit dir>(SB)
<emit event>
<emit event-dates>
<emit event-locations>
<emit exec>
<emit fonts>
<emit imgs>
<emit js-dynamic-popup>
<emit js-hide-popup>
<emit languages>
<emit ldap>
<emit path>
<emit poll>
<emit sb-dir>
<emit sb-file-languages>
<emit sb-languages>
<emit sb-log>
<emit sb-referring-pages>
<emit sb-search>
<emit sb-stationeries>
<emit sb-wizard>
<emit search-database-profiles>
<emit scopes>
<emit site-news>
<emit sources>
<emit spellcheck>
<emit sql>
<emit timerange>
<emit values>
<emit workflow>
<emit ws-dir>
<emit xml-db>

<emit source="dir"></emit>

Provided by module: CMS: Tags

Lists files and directories in a SiteBuilder file system and provides access to their metadata.

The plugin makes it possible to get information of all files or directories listed in a menu file. If files exists without a title set in the meta data, they will not be shown in the listing. Use the attribute notitle to show all files. For directories the meta data is fetched from the index.* file. Since the index.* is treated as the contents for the directory itself it will not be included in any listing of files within a directory. However, this can be overridden with the use of the index attribute.

One file in a list of files or directories might be selected. This is usually the current file, but in the case of directories it might be any directory that is part of the path to the current file.


All <emit> attributes apply.



Reads the menu from a menu file with this name. If there are no menu file in the current directory and a dirs, type or glob attribute is present, a directory listing will be used. If not, the plugin will search for a menu file with this name in the parent directory and its parent directory until a suitable menu file is found or all directories has been tried.


Only produce the part of the menu above the selected entry. Above can be combined with selected or below.

Note: This attribute is not suitable in combination with the sort attribute.


Only produce the part of the menu below the selected entry. Below can be combined with above or selected.

Note: This attribute is not suitable in combination with the sort attribute.


Only produce the selected entry. Selected can be combined with above or below.


Get information about all directories in the path, including the current directory.

file="filename,empty field"

Outputs one row of information about a specific file. If no filename is specified, information about the directory contents will be fetched. Since the directory contents is eqvivalent to the index.* file it is necessary that an index.* exists.


Create a menu from all directories in the directory specified by the path attribute or the current directory. Can be combined with the glob and type attributes as well as the menu attribute.


Get information about files whose name match one of the glob patterns. It searches for files in the directory specified with the path attribute or the current directory. Can be combined with the dirs and type attributes as well as the menu attribute.


Get information about the files whose content type match one of the glob patterns. It searches for files in the directory specified by the path attribute or the current directory. Can be combined with the dirs and glob attributes as well as the menu attribute.


Change which directory the dirs, glob and type attributes should work on.


Sorts the result according to one or several variables. A "-" put before the variable name will change the sort direction. By default the sort order is title, filename.


Include files or directories that does not have any title set.


Includes files which normally are hidden due to external visibility settings.


Include the index.* file in directory listings. By default the index.* file is omitted.


Make this file selected.


Allows deleted files in the editarea to be listed.

&; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the author's name.

&; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the author's identification number.

&; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the author's handle, i.e. login name.

&_.content-editor; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the full internal SiteBuilder URL to the page in the Content Editor, focusing on the file.

&_.description; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the description of the file, set in the metadata.

&_.dirname; (provided by CMS: Tags)

If info about a directory is emitted then this is the name of the directory. If info about a file is emitted then this is the name of the directory that file resides in, or "" if the file is in the root directory.

&_.filename; (provided by CMS: Tags)

If info about a file is emitted then this is the name of the file. If info about a directory is emitted then this is the name of the index file in that directory, if an index file was found.

&_.filesize; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the size of the file, in bytes.

&; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Is "yes" if the file has an explicit protection point set and "no" if the permissions are controlled by a directory protection point.

&_.keywords; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the keywords of the file, as set in the metadata.

&_.language; (provided by CMS: Tags)

The language of the file, as set in the metadata.

&_.languages; (provided by CMS: Tags)

All languages present in the file returned as a comma-separated string.

&_.modification-date; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the date when the file was last modified on the form YYYY-MM-DD.

&_.modification-time; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the time when the file was last modified on the form HH:MM:SS in the server time zone.

&_.nicefilesize; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the size of the file formatted for easier reading.

&_.path; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the absolute path to the file or directory.

&_.permission; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the string "read" or "write" depending on whether the viewer has permission to write in the file or not.

&_.ppoint-handle; (provided by CMS: Tags)

The handle of the protection point controlling the permissions of the file.

&_.ppoint-id; (provided by CMS: Tags)

The id of the protection point controlling the permissions of the file.

&_.publish-time; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the time when the page became, or will become, published. If the external visibility specifies a start time, then this is that time. Otherwise it is the page creation time, or - if the file has been handled by workflow - the time of the first "publish" commit. The time is returned as a unix timestamp integer (use the <date> to format it).

Note that the history records for the file needs to be up-to-date for the this time to be guaranteed correct. That is ensured by the Reindex operation in the Site News module.

&_.revision; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the file's current revision number.

&_.selectable; (provided by CMS: Tags)

For showing which XSL-template files are selectable within the "Edit metadata" wizard. Returns either "n/a" if the file is of an other content-type than "sitebuilder/xsl-template", "yes" if the file is selectable or "no" if the file isn't selectable.

&; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the file's status in the site's workarea.

&_.stationery; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns "yes" if the file is marked as a stationery, "no" otherwise.

&_.status-img; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the full internal SiteBuilder URL to the page's current status image. The status image tells if the page has been modified etc. from the viewer's point of view. This is the same status icon as used by the Content Editor.

&_.template; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the current page's selected template.

&_.title; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the title of the file as set in the metadata, or, in the case of menu files, possibly overridden by the menu file entry.

&_.type; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the file's content-type.

&_.type-img; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the internal SiteBuilder URI to where the file's content-type image is stored.

&_.url; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Available when emitting from menu files. The value is normally the same as &_.path; except when external resources or local file references including query variables are present.

&_.user-status; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the file's status in the user's workarea.

&_.uuid; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the file's unique identifier (UUID) if one exists.

&_.visible; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns "yes" if the file is currently externally visible, "no" otherwise.

&_.visible-from; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the date and time, in iso format, when the page starts to be visible. If external visibility is set to Never, "never" will be returned. If external visibility is set to Visible util a specified time, "now" will be returned.

&_.visible-to; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the date and time, in iso format, when the page ceases to be visible. If external visibility is set to Never, "never" will be returned. If external visibility is set to Visible after a specified time, "infinity" will be returned.

&_.workarea; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the name of the workarea where the viewed page is stored.

&_.workarea-id; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the unique id of the workarea. Useful when doing web applications.

&_.workarea-ppoint-id; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns the id of the protection point for the workarea.

&_.workflow-hidden; (provided by CMS: Tags)

Returns "yes" if the repository version is newer than the view area version of this file, "no" otherwise. This happens when the file is controlled by workflow and internal commits have taken place since the last publish action.