RoxenCMS 5.4Forum ModuleInternal Tags


<emit forum-attachments>
<emit forum-bans>
<emit forum-forums>
<emit forum-latest-messages>
<emit forum-messages>
<emit forum-my-threads>
<emit forum-search>
<emit forum-subscribed-forums>
<emit forum-subscribed-threads>
<emit forum-threads>
<if forum-banned>

<emit source="forum-attachments"></emit>

Provided by module: CMS: Forum

List information about attachments to a message.



Show information about all attachments to this message.

&_.description; (provided by CMS: Forum)

Description of attachments.

&; (provided by CMS: Forum)

Attachment ID.

&_.message-id; (provided by CMS: Forum)

ID of message it is attached to.

&; (provided by CMS: Forum)

Filename of attachment.

&_.nicesize; (provided by CMS: Forum)

Humanly readable size.

&_.size; (provided by CMS: Forum)

Size in bytes.

&_.thread; (provided by CMS: Forum)

ID of the thread the message belongs to.

&_.time; (provided by CMS: Forum)

Creation time (unix timestamp).

&_.type; (provided by CMS: Forum)

Content type of attachment.